WELCOME TO THE ORR’S ISLAND LIBRARY! We’re glad you’re here!
HOURS: Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm, Friday 10am to 4 pm, Saturday 10 am to 3 pm
Important Updates
The NEW 2025 HARPSWELL CALENDAR is still available at the library in limited quantities. The cost is still $20.00 with all proceeds benefitting the Orr’s Island Library. To order a copy by mail, email librarian@orrsislandlibrary.org.
The Library now offers Notary Public services during business hours or by appointment.
WE ARE ACCEPTING BOOK DONATIONS noon to 4 pm Fridays. Please limit these to clean, recent titles and children’s books. Unfortunately, we are unable to use textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries or older books, particularly those that are damaged , discolored or musty.